Executive Producers

Zev Langer
Sarah Philips

Katie Turnbull

Simon Bull
Cham Gunatilleka

Concept Team
Leader :
Ben Krycer

Alex Sloggett
Chris Hocking
Lin Mei
Nie Zhenwei (Robert)

Production Team
Leader :
James Lorenzi

Paolo Tami
Aina Mayasari Effendi
Hsu, Chia-Wei (Adeline)
Lawrence Makoona
Cheng Yu Shou (Erina)
Anne Wong

Engine Team
George Samuels

Kanlaya (Gunn)
Nasser Samman
Wang Shuiyi (Doris)
Simon O'Shea
Promote Vimolkul (Ou)
Daniel Choo

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beautiful Monster Website

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thank you

The project launch took place yesterday. Everything went very well. It was a huge success. We would like to thank you all for your hard work and support. Special thanks to Chris for putting together such a fantastic launch all by himself. Thank you Adeline and Lawrence for designing the website and promo video on such short notice. And a very very special thank you to George and the engine team for their hard work and dedication throughout the project. Thank you production and concept teams for all your hard work. Thank you Simon and Katie for being the heart of the whole operation. And a very special thanks to Matt Riley for always supporting us and providing useful feedback. Thank you Jeremy for all your support and for always being there when we needed you. Thank you Chris and Kate for all your support. Thank you Toshi for always checking on us and supporting us. And last but not least thank you Christian for helping us with Maya.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Final Executive Meeting

The first and second levels which were in their final stages of production was presented to the executives. The following feed back was provided by them :

1) Include something on the roof which will keep people more compelled to get up there in the city space.

2) The main ambient sound is too present in a way that it highlights its repetition.

3) Cylinder colours too noisy.

4) Not clear which exits take you where. Colour coordinate exits with space being entered. For example use coloured exits when exiting Black and white (sound space) and entering Colour (Light space) and vise versa.

Simon & Cham.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feedback from Zev Langer

Hi All,

Following yesterday's meeting, here's some feedback on how your space is shaping up.

General Layout

Signage for entry/exit points:
At the moment these are not easily identifiable and thus a source for confusion in the space. Decide on a visual signature for entries, portals and transitional spaces, and apply it consistently throughout the space. The user will then be able to orient themselves to these elements within the space, and keeping consistency with your visual signifiers will let you teach the user what to expect as they move around.

Movement experience:
Generally speaking the movement in the sound space seems ok, while the movement in the colour space feels clunky. In both cases I recommend a quick investigation of how physics and gravity volumes (brushes?) can be used to soften the user's motion in the space. If you decide to have the use walking in the coloured space, investigate how changing the surface properties of your environment can minimise the annoying footstep sounds. Using a fluid volume so the player is swimming might be another option.

Teleporter tubes (the things you fall through with the space odyssey textures):
You should try and get as much use as possible from these assets now that you have built them. They can be used as originally designed (to teleport the player around a space) but they also work as a transitional device, taking players between spaces. Decide which of the tubes you prefer for each situation, and set them up to provide a consistent experience, eg - teleporting within the sound space, you go through the line tube, telporting within the color space, you go through the ring tube, teleporting between spaces, you go through the hippie looking tube.

Entry and exit:
Solve how the user starts and ends the experience. If you are going to use the teleporter tubes as described above, you could shoot the player out of a one-way tube into the space, making sure that they start in the same type of tube that is used to transit between spaces. Use 1 way collision to hide the entry point.

Connection beween the sound space and the colour space:
It would help link the spaces together if there was some visual or sonic foreshadowing as you approach the teleports between the 2 spaces. This could be achieved with the texturing of the space, or through the placement of appropriate meshes and sounds

Sound Space

Portals/entries/exits: These are generally too small and hard to locate. Because you are allowing free movement in the Z axis there is a tendency to go above or below them and miss their presence. Widen the openings, particularly in the Z axis. Add some sort of visual element to draw the eye, maintaining consistency across the space (as discussed above).

Sound grid cube: People seem to not move up and down in this area. Try reorienting the grid as a diamond formation, or reshaping the space it sits in to emphasise the Z axis. Add visual elements to draw the eye up and down as you move into the space.

Possiby this area could be expanded, and the nodes placed further apart. This would to place more focus on each indiviual sound as it activates. Also some time might be spent tweaking the scale effect to taste.

Colour space

Differentiation from Sound space: The two spaces are actually quite similar. As a test, try inverting the texture used on the space itself, making the colour space predominantly white. This might heighten the effect of the colours.

Looping corridors: These are potentially dull to explore. Using physics to force the player through at high speed, and decorating them into a visually interesting ride, will improve these greatly. Maybe an experience similar to that of the teleporter tubes, but with a focus on 3 dimensional objects rather than texture detail would be interesting. Maybe these areas cold be replaced with a chain of teleporter tubes.

Rising block area:
This is cool, but it would be good to climb the structures. Try lightening the gravity so the user can jump up each tier.

Priority List

for getting the above into your environment.

Class A - this is stuff without which your design is incomplete, or the space is going to feel broken.
1: Player start and end
2: Teleporter tube linkups
3: 'attract' details for entry/exit/doorways/resize of portals in sound space

Class B - Important, but not a showstopper

1: Looping corridors in Colour space
2: gravity/jumping tweaks in rising block interactive area
3: general adjustments to movement dynamics

Class C - Less critical graphical and audio issues

1: Minimisation of sfx inherited from unreal (footsteps etc)
2: Adjustments to sound grid interactive
3: Visual connection between spaces

Class S - 'suggestions'

1: white colour space
2: polish (incidental audio and visual detail to liven up the space - emitters, sounds, etc.)

Finally, consider the fastest ways to add content to your world - recycle existing assets. Scale, re-orient and re-texture them to lessen the feeling of repetition. place subtle pieces of incidental audio to add mood to a space. With careful staging, It's possible to get a lot of mileage out of few assets.

Hope this is helpful, any questions, just reply to this email and I'll try and get back to you before Monday. Also please forward to Katie.



Friday, May 15, 2009

Thank You

Hi all,
We would like to thank everyone for their contributions and time dedicated to production of TBM in the past 4 days. Good luck with your pitch preparations.

Have a great weekend!

Simon & Cham.

6.30 - 7.45 pm Meeting with the executive

The following was discussed:

1) Making the game 3rd person.
2) All teleporters in all levels should look the same, they should create a visual code which helps the user identify what it is.
3) The tunnels are a bit dull, try to make the journey through the tunnel interesting.
4) In the second level, make it possible for the user to get on top of the boxes. Increase the delay time. Put a reward above for the user to be motivated to interact with the boxes.
5) Get mileage on the stuff we already have, due to the time factor.
6) 7 minutes might be too long to get through the space, might need to change it to about 4 minutes.
7) The teleporters look great.

Grid in the sound level:

8) Give the user a sense of vertical space as there is no depth in the space.
9) Expand roof to make it cavernous.
10) Change texture to move upwards which will make the user curious to look up.
11) Think of making it a diamond shape instead of a cube.

Start Level of TBM

12) Think of an idea which would get the player into the game easily.
13) Use single sided collision panel to seal the space.
14) Might be able to use the colorful orbs to lead people to the game.
15) Think of shooting the user into the game.

The above were suggestions and comments made by the executives. Zev will e mail a detailed version of the above tomorrow and we can begin making the required changes.

Simon & Cham.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 26

Hi all,
The team leads, director and producers had a meeting at 11 am.

The following was discussed :

1) The Color level will not be produced due to the lack of time.
2) The start of the game will be completed by Ben and his team by 6 pm tonight.

11.30 am - 12 noon - Cham met with Chris to discuss the marketing side of TBM.

1) Since we were unable to get any external funding, we will need to collect the amount of $10 from each member of the class in order to organize food for the launch.
2) The security for the launch will have to be organized by us.
3) The design of the TBM website was assigned to Noura.

Simon & Cham.

Group Meeting Tomorrow

Hi all,
A group meeting with all teams will be held tomorrow (Friday, 15th May) at 10 am. It is very important that everyone attends this meeting.

Thank you.

Simon & Cham.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Group Meeting Tomorrow

Hi all,
A group meeting with all teams will be held tomorrow (Thursday, 14th May) at 10 am. It is very important that everyone attends this meeting.

Thank you.

Simon & Cham.

Day 24 - Production Day

10.00 am - Meeting with all teams and team leaders

The Beautiful Monster sound level was presented to everyone.

The following was discussed afterward:

1) Slow down player speed.
2) Orienting the user with the space is important.
3) The is only time for one iteration.

10.30 am - Concept and Production teams left the meeting to begin work on TBM

The production team remained for a discussion and a short tutorial regarding production of remaining assets and updating existing assets.

Group Project Meeting

Hi all,
A group meeting with all teams will be held tomorrow (Wednesday, 13th May) at 10 am. It is very important that everyone attends this meeting.

Thank you.

Simon & Cham.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Promotional Poster Design for TBM - Designed by Chris Hocking

Chris needs a Bio!

Chris needs a bio from Katie, George, James and Ben for the press pack.
Please submit the bio to Chris by Friday the 15th of May.

Thank you.

Simon & Cham.

Day 23 - Production Day

Level 1 will be completed before the executive meeting this evening at 6.30 pm.
Level 2 assets have been completed by the production team.
The production team is currently working on refining level 2 assets and producing level 3 assets.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 4 - Day 22

11 - 12 pm Meeting with all teams

The following was discussed :

1) Completing the feedback forms weekly is important.
2) The team leads should assign their team members tasks, in order to keep them occupied even if the team leads are unavailable.
3) Concept team will begin working on the start level of the project.
4) The production team will work on refining assets for the Light level as well as preparing assets for the Color level.
5) Completing the interactivity on the sound level.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 17 - Production Day

10 am - 10.30 am Meeting with team leads

The following was discussed :

1) Sound level will be completed by 5 pm today
2) Light node assets will be completed by the Production team
3) Sound level color change to black and white
4) Level 1 completed by 5 pm Thursday the 7th of May
5) Level 2 completed by 5 pm Monday the 11th of May

The Production timeline has been updated.

12 noon - 12.15 pm Simon's meeting with Chris regarding the launch

The following was discussed :

1) Whom to invite ?
2) Do we want random people to walk in or do we stick to invitees only ?
3) Money
4) Venue

Day 18 - 7/05

6.30 - 8.15 Meeting with executive producers

The following was discussed :

1) See that the existing concept does not change towards the end of production.
2) Implement, review and reassign tasks to redo stuff.
3) Executive meeting change for next week. The meetings will be held on Tuesday and Friday.
4) Turn down the scrolling texture as it is distracting.
5) Make the mesh of space opaque.
6) 50% transparency on wall textures.

Monday, May 4, 2009

6.30 - 7.45 pm Meeting with the executive

The following was discussed at the meeting tonight :

1) Map out the rest of the production.
2) Go over the asset lists with James to make sure that.
3) Getting user feedback from people who have no prior experience playing games is important.
4) Emphasis on visual relationship and the sound.
5) Staging the objects is important.

Simon & Cham.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 3 - Day 15

10.15 - 10.45 am Meeting with team leads.

The following were discussed during this meeting :

1) Ben announced that the asset lists, assets maps, interactivity descriptions and mood boards have been completed for all 3 levels.
2) The concept team will join the production team since all concept design tasks have been completed.
3) George and Daniel are working on trigger points.
4) James will be modifying the asset list.

5) The sound level will be completed by 5.30 pm today!

Simon & Cham.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Chillout Thursday
A night of absolutely nothing!

Date : Thursday 7th May
Venue : AIM Studio
Time : 5pm til late

BYO food, drinks, video games, movies and bunny slippers :)

Day 12

The concept team came into the studio and worked on completing the sound level and developing the light and color levels.

1) The asset list was updated, images are included in the new version.
2) Asset lists were developed for all 3 levels.
3) Visualizations and brief descriptions were developed for the sound and color levels.
4) The visualizations previously created for the sound level were edited in order to clarify the image.

The concept team will continue working towards their deadline of completing all conceptual designs by Monday the 4th of May.

Good Luck Concept Team !
Simon & Cham.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

TBM Server - Instructions on how to access the server


Finder --> Go --> Connect to Server

Enter server name as follows : smb://

Enter user name and password as follows :

User Name : tbn2009

Password : aim2009

Select Folder TBH


My Computer --> Address bar

Enter server name as follows : //

Password : aim2009

Select Folder TBH

Please test the server using the above instructions.

Thank you.

Simon & Cham.

Meeting With Executive Producers

6.30 pm Meeting with Executive producers took place.
The discussion was regarding the following:

1) The asset lists are unclear and seems to appear as they were created before the design was established. Therefore asset lists need to be redone ASAP.

2) All level designs, interactivity and asset lists for all levels need to be completed by Monday the 4th of May.

3) Try to avoid people working on unassigned tasks.

4) Set strict deadlines and stick to them.

Simon & Cham.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 11

Meeting with all team leads and team members

This meeting was called due to the recent fall back in production of the 'Beautiful Monster'.

We are at least 3 days behind schedule.

Simon spoke to the group regarding the following points.

1) How time needs to be preserved by making tasks simple to ones self.
2) Made the teams aware of being behind schedule.
3) Asset lists, visualization and interactivity descriptions need to be completed.
4) The basics need to be completed without emphasis to detail.

Meeting was adjourned and all teams began working on BM.

Simon & Cham.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 2 - Day 8

Hi all,
Day 8 began with a meeting (10 am) with all teams and team leaders. As we are currently preparing for production the communication pipeline was explained once again in order to prevent confusion amongst team members. The production of the runaround map was discussed further with members of the production and engine teams.

10.30 am - 1.00 pm production team began working on producing, sound, textures and models for the sound level of the project. The engine team worked on the runaround map.

5.15 - 6.30 pm Katie and Cham took a meeting to discuss the deadlines that were met by this time:

Since we were behind schedule, we discussed that breaking the teams up and giving everyone a task would be better than many people working on one task.

Redesigning the asset list and including visuals.

Moodboards and the space visualisations.

Detailed explanations of interactivity of the spaces needs to be defined.

6.30 pm Meeting 3 with Executive Producers

Zev and Sarah were presented with the runaround space created by George and Nasser. They had a look at some of the textures created by Erina and Adeline and some sound designs produced by Paolo, Edwin and Aina. They also went through the asset list and the sound level plan and made some comments. The comments are as follows :

* Plan all main spaces tomorrow.
* Get all 3 spaces made with basics and add details later.
* Work out interactivity in the spaces.
* What does it feel like and look like to move between spaces.
* Does the user know they are being teleported ?
* Dark spaces to direct user towards the lit up spaces.
* Make it obvious where the player should go.
* Corridor - moving mesh around the spaces.
* Kepping the user, moving, motivated and interested is important.
* Bridging between spaces, how you introduce and get rid of a space.
* Think about what happens above and below user. Put things out of reach of user.
* Ceiling images to give height.

The meeting ended at 7.30 pm

End of day 8.
Simon & Cham.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Deadline Tomorrow!

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder of what is due tomorrow.

1) The Basic level design
2) Runaround map
3) Asset list

Thank You.

Simon & Cham.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 4 & 5

Day 4 :

4.30 pm Concept Pitch :

John, Mark, Matt, Chris, the Director, Producers all group leads and the members were present.

Ben, the leader of the concept team presented the concept and the initial version of the design document.

The look and feel of the project, how sound will be used and a rough model of the idea built in Maya was presented. Images, videos and sketches were incorporated to clarify the visual to the audience.

The look and feel of the project, was very much appreciated by the audience. They stated that it would be a very beautiful and interesting space.

The main concern John and Mark had were :

1) Will the tele-porting activity confuse the user, how will they know that a random event has taken place ?

2) How does it end, or does it ?

3) The concept needs to have more reason.

4) Simple user instructions were suggested.

5) What would the user experience be like ?

Ben did a really great job presenting the idea to the audience, he deserves a medal :)

The team leads, director and producers were unable to meet for their daily jam session due to the lack of time.

6.30 pm Meeting with Executive Producers

Katie updated Zev and Sarah on the pitch that was presented.

Zev and Sarah went through the documentation and the rough design document and made a few comments and suggestions :

1) Mood boards are important.
2) The scale needs to be determined.
3) A timer to set boundaries to the game.
4) How will the spaces be joined together ?
5) Get the asset list and Run around map ready by Monday.
6) Visualize spaces.

Day 5:

2.00 pm Meeting with Team Leads

Ben presented the changes that were made to the concept. The changes were made as a response to the feedback given during the pitch.

The changes are attached above.

Ben discussed the concept with the production and engine team leads to see if it is feasible and achievable in the given period of time.

Deadlines set by the producers :

Basic level design, Runaround map and Asset list are due on Monday the 27th of April.

Have a good weekend!

Simon & Cham.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tomorrow's meetings

Hi all,
A group meeting will be held tomorrow at 4.30 pm. The concept team will be pitching the concept to the group. It is very important that all teams attend this meeting.

After the group meeting another meeting will take place. All team leaders, the producers and the director will need to be present at this meeting.

The producers and the director will meet with the 2 executive producers at 6.30 pm.

Thank you.

Simon & Cham.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beautiful Monster, Day 1 & 2

Hello everybody! We have kicked off our collaborative group project, 'The beautiful Monster'. We had our first group meeting yesterday, followed by a little group activity to get the groups warmed up.

We (Simon, Katie and Cham) had our first meeting with the executive producers (Zev and Sarah) yesterday evening.

The following were discusse:

1) The basic structure of the design document was discussed.
2) The deadline for the design document was set as Thursday (23rd Arpil).
3) Getting the engine team to work on a prototype of the spiral space.
4) Filing systems and naming conventions.
5) Discussion about the ideas developed during the morning meeting.

Today Simon and Cham had a meeting with the 3 team leaders Ben, George and James.
The following were discussed:

1) Design document template which was designed by Simon was explained to Ben.
2) The importance of the team leaders gaining an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates.
3) Discussion regarding the mini project to be carried out this week, in order to see how the groups work together.
4) The flow of information. For example if one of the producers required a certain task to be completed by the engine team, we would communicate it to the team through George, since he is the team leader. Teams will always communicate through their team leads.

The concept team is currently working on the design document.

Good Luck Concept team!
Simon & Cham.